Memorial Day Tribute – May 25th 2020

Memorial Day Tribute – May 25th, 2020 – Starts 12:01am (EST), Monday May 25th and continues until Midnight (EST) Monday May 25th –  GO TO TRIBUTE  

This is a tribute event (not a fund raising event) with special music by John Phillip Sousa along with other American Patriotic songs to honor the men and women who died while serving in the military. Stay tuned for more details. Please Note: Tribute Site will not be set up for Tribute until a few days before May 25th. 

Memorial Day 

After the Civil War, America’s need for a secular, patriotic ceremony to honor its military dead became prominent, as monuments to fallen soldiers were erected and dedicated, and ceremonies centering on the decoration of soldiers’ graves were held in towns and cities throughout the nation. 

After World War I, the day expanded to honor those who have died in all American wars.